28 January 2009

Blues in for new stadium

Managing Director/General Manager/Coach/Player Robert Stinner has informed us that WMFC is in talks with the West Mifflin Area School Board and Athletic Department regarding a deal with the club that would allow them to play home fixtures at West Mifflin Area High School's newly renovated Titan Stadium. Having gone through a makeover last summer, the pitch now adorns field turf and is well suited for proper football matches. Stinner conceded that negotiations were on going with the Athletic Director as well as Larry Mawhaw regarding the terms of the lease that WMFC would have to contract to. Stinner had this to say:

Obviously this is a huge opportunity for us. We will always love Borland Park and will probably still field practices there. I initially had skepticism about whether or not a deal could be worked out. I asked around about who to speak to and once I contacted Mr Mawhaw I surprised at how feasible he made it sound.

Stinner said that upon asking Mawhaw as to what sort of paperwork and approvals from the board would be needed he simply said, "we'll take care of that."

Titan Stadium was originally constructed in 1999(?) to house West Mifflin High School's sporting teams. They will remain the primary users. However, Sunday afternoons (and maybe even an evening or two since the new park has lights) will see Titan Stadium filled to the brim with thousands of die-hard Blues fans, singing their lungs out for the squad.

And with the lights it will make it damn-near impossible for fat, slobbish-cunt drifters from Heiderlberg to not make up a game when the home team schedules it.

So, good news for WMFC. Keep checking back for updates.

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